Boost Your SLO Downsell Conversion Rate: Simple Steps and Tips

A Self-Liquidating Offer (SLO) is a marketing strategy that helps you recoup your ad costs by offering a low-priced product up front. However, not every visitor will buy the initial offer. That’s where down sells come in. A down-sell is a lower-priced offer presented to someone who didn’t buy the main offer. It’s a chance to convert a ‘no’ into a ‘yes,’ increasing your overall revenue. In this blog, we’ll explore how to boost your SLO downsell conversion rate with easy-to-follow tips.

Understanding SLO and Downsell

Let’s dive into understanding SLO (Self-Liquidating Offer) and Downsell.

What is a Self-Liquidating Offer (SLO)?

An SLO is designed to cover your advertising costs by selling a product right after someone clicks on your ad. The goal is to break even or make a small profit. It’s a great way to build a customer base without losing money on ads.

What is a Downsell?

A down-sell is a fallback offer. If a customer doesn’t buy your main product, you offer them a cheaper alternative. It’s like offering a budget option after someone declines the premium package. Downselling helps capture customers who are interested but hesitant to spend a lot.

The Role of Downsells in SLO Funnels

In an SLO funnel, the down-sell is crucial. It gives you a second chance to convert a visitor into a paying customer. The key is to make the downsell appealing enough that the customer can’t say no.

Why Conversion Rates Matter?

Conversion rates measure how many visitors take the action you want, like making a purchase. A high conversion rate means your offer is working well. For down sells, improving the conversion rate means turning more ‘maybes’ into ‘yeses.’

Key Strategies to Improve SLO Downsell Conversion Rates

Let’s explore some effective strategies to enhance your down-sell conversion rates and turn more potential ‘no’s’ into profitable ‘yeses.’

Offer the Right Product

To succeed with a downsell, you need to offer a product that matches the customer’s needs. If your main offer was too expensive, offer something more affordable but still valuable. For example, if you’re selling a $100 course, offer a $50 eBook that covers the basics.

Timing is Crucial

Timing can make or break your downsell offer. Present it immediately after the customer declines the main offer. This way, they’ll still be engaged and considering your products.

Crafting an Irresistible Offer

The price is important, but so is the value. Your downsell should feel like a great deal. Consider adding bonuses or discounts to make the offer even more appealing. Just be careful not to lower the perceived quality by slashing prices too much.

Simplifying the Decision-Making Process

Keep your messaging clear and to the point. Avoid long descriptions or complicated terms. The easier it is to understand the offer, the more likely the customer will say yes. Also, make the checkout process as smooth as possible with fewer steps and clear instructions.

Leveraging Urgency and Scarcity

Create a sense of urgency by offering a limited-time discount. You can also emphasize that the offer is limited in quantity. This triggers the fear of missing out (FOMO), making customers more likely to act quickly.

Psychological Triggers to Boost Conversions

Let’s explore some key psychological triggers that can significantly increase your downsell conversion rates.

Social Proof

People trust what others say about your product. Show testimonials and reviews to build trust. If others are happy with your downsell product, new customers will feel more confident in buying it.

Authority and Trust

Establish yourself as an expert. Use trust signals like certifications, partnerships, or endorsements. When customers trust you, they’re more likely to accept your downsell offer.

Anchoring Effect

The anchoring effect is when people rely too much on the first piece of information they get (the “anchor”). Use this to your advantage by showing the original price first, then the down-sell price. The lower price will seem like a better deal in comparison.

Best Practices for SLO Downsell Funnels

Let’s explore the best practices for optimizing your SLO downsell funnels to maximize conversions and revenue.

A/B Testing

Testing is key to finding the best downsell strategy. Try different products, price points, and messaging. Compare the results to see what works best. Regular testing helps you optimize your funnel for better conversion rates.

Analyzing Customer Behavior

Use data to understand your customers. Look at how they interact with your offers. If they’re clicking but not buying, you might need to tweak your downsell offer. Analyzing behavior helps you refine your approach.


Not all customers are the same. Tailor your downsell offers based on customer segments. For example, offer different products to new customers than to returning ones. Personalization increases the chances of a successful downsell.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Let’s look at the pitfalls that could hurt your SLO downsell conversion rates.

Overcomplicating the Offer

Don’t overwhelm your customers with too many choices or information. Keep it simple. A clear, straightforward offer is more likely to convert.

Ignoring Customer Feedback

Listen to what your customers are saying. If they’re not buying, find out why. Use their feedback to improve your downsell strategy.

Lack of Clear Value Proposition

Your downsell should clearly explain why it’s worth the customer’s money. If they don’t see the value, they won’t buy. Make sure the benefits are obvious.

Failing to Follow Up

If a customer doesn’t buy the downsell right away, don’t give up. Follow up with an email reminding them of the offer. Sometimes, a gentle nudge is all they need to make a purchase.

Case Studies

Let’s have a look at some case studies that recovered successfully from SLO Downsell.

Successful SLO Downsell Strategy

A fitness brand offered a $150 workout program as the main product. When customers didn’t buy, they offered a $50 nutrition guide as a downsell. By timing the offer right and highlighting the benefits, they achieved a 30% conversion rate on the downsell.

Lessons Learned from a Failed Downsell Approach

An e-commerce store tried to downsell a $20 accessory after customers declined a $200 gadget. The offer didn’t convert well because the downsell product didn’t match the customer’s needs. The lesson? Make sure your downsell aligns with the customer’s interests.


Boosting your SLO downsell conversion rate isn’t just about lowering prices. It’s about understanding your customers, offering the right product, and presenting it at the right time. With the strategies outlined in this.


Here are some frequently asked questions related with SLO Downsell Conversion Rate.

What is a good conversion rate for a downsell?

A good downsell conversion rate can vary, but aiming for 20-30% is a reasonable target. It depends on your industry and the appeal of your offer.

How can I identify the best product for a downsell offer?

Consider what your customers need most after declining the main offer. It should be related, affordable, and still provide value. Use customer feedback and data to guide your choice.

How often should I test and refine my downsell strategy?

Regularly! A/B testing should be an ongoing process. Test different elements like products, pricing, and messaging every few months to keep improving.

Can I use the same down-sell strategy for different customer segments?

It’s better to tailor your down-sell offers to different segments. What works for one group might not work for another. Personalization leads to better conversion rates.